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The River Deveron District Salmon Fishery Board
(Deveron Catchment Area)
Thursday 5th September 2024 at 5pm
at the Banff Springs Hotel, Banff.

The following matters will be considered:

  • Presentation of the Annual Report and Accounts for the year to 31 March 2024
  • Update on Activities for the year and proposed for next year
  • Question and Answer Session (See Note)
  • AOCB

Note: The Annual Meeting of Qualified Proprietors is open to the public by this Board, but in terms
of statute now incorporates a Public Open Meeting. To attend please contact the Clerk at least seven
days prior to 5
th September. Proprietors, tenant netsmen, salmon anglers, ghillies and members of
the public, please submit to the Clerk any observations or questions seven days in advance.

The AGM of The Deveron, Bogie and Isla Rivers Charitable Trust will be held after the meeting

Mrs S. Roebuck, The Offices, Avochie Stables, Avochie, Huntly AB54 7YY
Clerk to the Board Email:

River Deveron