The Deveron salmon and sea trout season officially opens on the 11th February and closes on 31st October (inclusive) and the brown trout season runs from the 15th of March to the 6th of October (inclusive).
The Deveron has a well-deserved reputation as top class salmon river, with runs of spring, summer and often prolific runs of autumn salmon through to its season’s end. It is a river of big fish and each season brings in some fish in the 30lbs (13.6Kg) class. The Deveron has the fifth highest salmon and sea trout rod catch in Scotland and currently holds the record for the heaviest UK fly caught salmon, weighing 61lbs (27.6Kg) and caught by Mrs. Clementina “Tiny” Morison on 21st October 1924. The Deveron is also well known for high quality wild brown trout fishing and the river regularly produces specimens of over 5 lbs (2.26Kg). All Anglers are asked to follow the DEVERON ANGLING CODE FOR SALMON & TROUT – 2025 and complete a GYRODACTYLUS SALARIS ANGLER DECLARATION .
Angler’s are requested to use best practice when releasing fish – Catch and Release – A Deveron Angler’s Guide
Ten year average (2013-2022)
Salmon and grilse – 1208
Sea Trout – 348
Hover cursor pointer over map to view in more detail.
The map below (100cm x 35cm) can be ordered by contacting the office on 01466 711 388 or visiting Henderson’s Country Sports, Turriff. Cost: £35 (plus £6 p&p)