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The Deveron brown trout season officially opens today (Season: 15th March to 6th October) but some local beats do not let outside the period from 1st April to 30th September to allow trout more time to come back into prime condition.
Trust staff floy-tagged (shown inside red circle below) a number of Deveron trout during the autumn of winter 2016. These tags are small plastic yellow cylinders with ‘Deveron’ and Trust contact details printed on them along with the fish number. The tags are inserted in the back of the fish by the dorsal fin. We would be interested to hear from any anglers who capture a floy-tagged trout this season in order to build up more information on their life history, distribution, age and growth rates. If you report a tagged fish then you will qualify for a reward (miniature of malt whisky).   Please don’t remove the tags from the fish.
We would like anglers to record where possible:
1. Number of the floy tag
2. Date and location of capture
3. Length and weight of the trout
4. A sample of scales
To report any tagged trout please contact the Trust Offices on 01466 711 388 or
River Deveron